
Manage settings

This page allows you to edit plugin settings.


Enable pictures

Enable pictures plugin

User pictures per page

Number of pictures in user's profile.

Enable public pictures

Shows all user pictures in one place.

Public pictures per page

Number of pictures on the public pictures page.

Maximum public pictures

Maximum number of pictures to display on a public page.

Infinite scrolling

System will automatically load and display pictures as user scrolls down to the bottom of the page. If disabled system will display traditional page links.

Picture rating

Enable either "likes" for pictures, or "star" rating from 1 to 5, or disable it completely.

Count views

Count number of times picture was viewed.

Picture dimensions

Resize pictures to these dimensions.

Max picture dimensions

Maximum picture dimensions users can upload.

Max picture file size

Maximum profile picture file size in megabytes.

File upload limit

Number of songs user can upload at a time.

Large watermark image

Apply watermark image on pictures.

Small watermark image

Apply watermark image on thumbnails.

Enable social sharing

Show predefined social sharing buttons such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. You may enter code for such buttons on the system settings page.


Enable albums

Enable albums in the pictures plugin. If disabled, users will be able to upload pictures without having to create albums.

User albums per page

Number of albums in user's profile.

Enable public page

Show all albums in one place.

Public albums per page

Number of albums on the public albums page.

Maximum public albums

Maximum number of albums to display on a public page.

Infinite scrolling

System will automatically load and display albums as user scrolls down to the bottom of the page. If disabled system will display traditional page links.

Album rating

Enable either "likes" for albums, or "star" rating from 1 to 5, or disable it completely.

Count views

Count number of times album was viewed.

Enable social sharing

Show predefined social sharing buttons such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. You may enter code for such buttons on the system settings page.


Enable comments

Comments for pictures.

Enable comments privacy

User can specify who can comment on their pictures.


Enable album privacy

Privacy options when posting picture albums.

Enable public privacy

User can specify if they want to include their picture albums on a public page.