Manage news

Manage news

This page allows you to manage news articles. The search filter at the top of the page allows you to quickly find specific news articles by keyword.

Post news article

To create a new article, click on "add article" link at the top of the page.

Permalink allows you to specify what you would like to see in the browser's address bar when viewing your article, for example Note that you must use only alpha-numeric characters, dashes and underscores. No other characters will be allowed.

You may upload featured picture to your news article. Once uploaded it will show up along with the article, unless you choose to hide it. Featured image is also used when your article is shared on social media. Note that if featured image is hidden it will still be used for social media sharing. This way you may upload preferred image for social media, but use different images throughout the article itself.

When posting a news article, you may fill in custom keywords and description meta tags for SEO purposes, as well as upload featured image that will be displayed in the article.