
Manage settings

This page allows you to edit plugin settings.


Enable timeline

Enable timeline plugin.

Enable public feed

Page with activities of all users.

Enable user feed

Page with activities of users friends.

Activities per page

Number of activities to display at a time.

Show timeline in profile

Show timeline in user's profile.

Timeline rating

Enable either "likes" for timeline activities, or "star" rating from 1 to 5, or disable it completely.


Minimum message length

Minimum number of characters required to post a message.

Maximum message length

Maximum number of characters allowed in a message.

Check for duplicates

Compare new message similarity to the specified number of latest messages. This is helpful to prevent users from posting duplicate or very similar messages which is very common with spammers. Set 0 to disable. Note that this setting does not apply to administrators.

Duplicates match percentage

If new message is higher in similarity to latest messages than specified match percentage in this setting, then user won't be able to post it.

Enable emoticons

Replace text shortcuts with emoticon images (smileys).

Censor messages

Remove censored words from messages, only if related user group's permission is also enabled.

Enable notifications

System will send users an email or push notification when someone posts on their timeline. Number of notifications can be limited with the notifications delay setting.


Enable comments

Comments for timeline messages.

Comments per page

Number of comments to display at a time.


Enable timeline privacy

Privacy options for user's timeline.