Form protection

Manage form protection libraries

This page allows you to install and enable form protection libraries to help you protect your site from automatic form submissions by bots. Form protection library will display a security question that user has to answer correctly to be able to submit the form.

You may install multiple form protection libraries but only one library can be used at a time. Clicking on "settings" will allow you to fill in any necessary details to use the library of your choice.

Upload protection libraries

If you haven't uploaded your protection library yet, you may upload it to the "application/libraries/captchas" folder on your server. For example if your library's file is called "recaptcha.php", after uploading it you should have "application/libraries/captchas/recaptcha.php" file present. After uploading you should see it in control panel. If you don't see it, it means you did not upload it correctly.